Saturday, December 20, 2008

Time flies when you're having fun

It's hard to believe that three months have elapsed since I last posted my blog. September, October and November whizzed by while I painted frantically for my still life show that opened at American Painting in New York City last month. Despite the financial problems, I consider it a successful show.

Meanwhile, my computer's motherboard got terminally ill. I have been wrestling with computer problems since the day after I returned from the reception in New York. This has not been a fun time. I have not kept up with my blog, updated my website nor written my newsletter. Learning Vista and new programs has consumed most of my time.

Coming up in my life is the opening of the still life show opening at American Painting in DC on January 24. I have painted a small still life (see above) and will be starting a larger painting that I will demonstrate with step-by-step images on the blog.

1 comment:

Denée Barr Art News and More said...

Welcome Back Barbara!

I like seeing this painting and it reminds me of the saying "Life is like a bowl full of cherries".

Your painting is beautifully detailed with reflection.

A wonderful exhibit to look forward to in January 2009 congratulations........

Warm Regards,

Denee Barr