Sunday, October 1, 2017

Great-Grandma's Chair, Step 7

Redrawing and correcting the chair

Since I have the entire set-up in a corner of my studio, I could compare the painting with the actual set-up.  Up to now, I had been working from my photos, which was easier while working on the quilt.  But now, I could see how the chair was wonky...which meant I had to redraw it and the sewing basket. This required quite a bit of my time, but if you look at the previous blog, you'll see a big difference in the chair, especially the legs.  I haven't done the cast shadows yet.

Once I was happy with the corrected drawing, I painted a little on the sewing basket.  The next thing is to arrange all the items in the basket and on the chair seat.  Then I will tidy up the whole painting. At this point, there is no part that is finished. In fact, there's a lot of it that's pretty messy, but I'm
getting there.

The corrected drawing

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