Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Winding Way, Step 8

Painting more trees and beginning the house


Today I painted the rest of the background trees and began to identify the trees on the side yard. I eliminated the dark blob in the sky for now. I may still paint foliage there, but much later.

With the help of a T-square and large triangle, I measured all the vertical lines to make sure they were true. I also checked my perspective lines. As I paint, sometimes these lines move, so I always need to check up on them to make sure they're where they belong. Sneaky little devils!

Again, working back to front, I painted under the roofs of the side porch, portico and porte cochere, making them much warmer than were before. There is a lot of reflected light bouncing about. While I was under the portico, I did the front windows and shutters, sort of. They are not finished, but I'm getting there.

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