Friday, March 18, 2011

Inspirations, step 6

Painting the Figurine

Using a modified Zorn palette of black, permanent madder deep, yellow ochre and white, I proceeded with the background drapery and the figurine. I substituted the permanent madder deep for the cadmium red light, as I found the latter too warm and too light. I needed the deep rich red of the permanent madder deep. It is truly a beautiful color and an accurate substitution for alizarin crimson. This so far gives me a cooler palette. I think I should be able to warm everything with the yellow ochre, if needed.

Since I'm not a purist here, when I find I need other colors to do the job, then I will use them.

The grays for the figurine were made with the above colors, but it still needs to be warmer. The drawing needs a bit of tweaking too, but not too much. I'm fairly happy with it.

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